Under-Represented Writers Ontology



Under-Represented Writers Ontology


Marco Antonio Stranisci Rossana Damiano Valerio Basile Viviana Patti

Version Info


  • L'Ontologia degli Under-represented Writers (URW) è un modello semantico che permette di rappresentare informazioni sui Transnational Writers, ovvero autori nati in un paese non Occidentale o appartenenti a una minoranza. L'ontologia si basa sugli Ontology Design Patterns per la rappresentazione degli eventi biografici relativi a questi autori: - il 'Time Indexed Person Status' è derivato dal 'Time Indexed Person Role' e rappresenta la condizione per cui una persona vive in un paese diverso da quello di nascita in un periodo di tempo specifico; - il pattern 'Migration' è modellato a partire dal 'Basic Plan Execution' in quanto una migrazione è rappresentata come una situazione in cui un agente si sposta da un paese all'altro per soddisfare un determinato piano.

  • The Ontology of Under-represented Writers (URW) is a semantic model aimed at encoding information about Transnational Writers, namely people who was born in a non-Western country or who belong to a minority group. The ontology relies on the ODP framework to represent model biographical events about such writers: - the 'Time Indexed Person Status' is derived from the 'Time Indexed Person Role' and represents the condition of living in a given country during a specific Time Interval; - the 'Migration' pattern, which is modeled on the 'Basic Plan Execution' since a migration is represented as a situation in which an agent moves from a place to another, in order to fulfill a plan.

  • Endpoint SPARQL: https://kgccc.di.unito.it/sparql/underrepresented


Language c

IRI http://lexvo.org/ontology#Language
Equivalentclass urw:Language c

Ncit_C17357 c

IRI http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C17357
Sub Class Of urw:PersonalAttribute c
Equivalentclass urw:Gender c

Action c

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#Action
Equivalentclass ns3:Activity c

Agent c

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#Agent
Equivalentclass urw:Agent c

Concept c

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#Concept
Equivalentclass urw:Concept c

Description c

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#Description
Equivalentclass urw:Description c

Event c

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#Event
Equivalentclass urw:Event c

Information Object c

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#InformationObject
Equivalentclass urw:InformationObject c

Place c

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#Place

Role c

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#Role
Equivalentclass urw:Role c

Situation c

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#Situation
Equivalentclass urw:Situation c

Time Interval c

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#TimeInterval
Equivalentclass urw:TimeInterval c

Activity c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Activity

Activity Influence c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#ActivityInfluence
Sub Class Of urw:Description c
Super Class Of ns3:Generation c

Agent c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Agent
Equivalentclass urw:Agent c

Agent Influence c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#AgentInfluence
Sub Class Of urw:Description c
Super Class Of

Association c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Association
Sub Class Of ns3:AgentInfluence c

Attribution c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Attribution
Sub Class Of ns3:AgentInfluence c

Delegation c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Delegation
Sub Class Of ns3:AgentInfluence c

Derivation c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Derivation
Sub Class Of ns3:EntityInfluence c

Entity Influence c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#EntityInfluence
Sub Class Of urw:Description c
Super Class Of ns3:Derivation c

Generation c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Generation
Sub Class Of ns3:ActivityInfluence c

Organization c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Organization
Equivalentclass urw:Organization c

Person c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Person
Equivalentclass urw:Person c

Software Agent c

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#SoftwareAgent
Equivalentclass urw:SoftwareAgent c

E67 c

IRI https://cidoc-crm.org/html/cidoc_crm_v7.1.1.html#E67
Equivalentclass urw:Birth c

E69 c

IRI https://cidoc-crm.org/html/cidoc_crm_v7.1.1.html#E69
Equivalentclass urw:Death c

Edition c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#Edition

Expression c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#Expression

Folksonomy c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#Folksonomy

Manifestation c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#Manifestation

Rating c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#Rating

Rating Count c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#RatingCount

Readers Count c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#ReadersCount

Activity c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Activity
Sub Class Of urw:Event c
Super Class Of urw:Publication c

Activity Influence c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#ActivityInfluence
Sub Class Of urw:Description c
In Domain Of urw:activity op
Super Class Of urw:Generation c

Agent c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Agent
In Domain Of urw:hasRole op
In Range Of
Super Class Of

Agent Influence c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#AgentInfluence
Sub Class Of urw:Description c
In Domain Of urw:agent op
Super Class Of

Association c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Association

The association of an agent to an activity (eg: writing a novel), mapped from PROV-O

Sub Class Of urw:AgentInfluence c
In Domain Of urw:wasAssociatedWith op
In Range Of urw:qualifiedAssociation op

Association Role c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#AssociationRole

The role of a person related to an activity related to the pubblication of a work (eg: publisher, author, etc)

Sub Class Of urw:Role c
Equivalentclass urw:isDefinedBy op some
and urw:isDefinedBy op only
and urw:Role c

Attribution c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Attribution

The attribution of a work to a person (eg: Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart), derived from PROV-O

Sub Class Of urw:AgentInfluence c
In Range Of urw:qualifiedAttribution op

Birth c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Birth

The birth of a Person, mapped with the Birth class from CIDOC-CRM (https://cidoc-crm.org/html/cidoc_crm_v7.1.1.html#E67)

Sub Class Of urw:Situation c

Classification c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Classification
Sub Class Of urw:TimeIndexedPersonStatus c

Concept c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Concept

Derived from DOLCE, within the URW-Ontology it represents all the information extracted from the automatic analysis of raw text from Wikipedia and other sources of knowledge

Restriction urw:isExpressedBy op some
Super Class Of

Condition c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Condition

The description of a person living in a foreign country (eg: "being a foreign student")

Sub Class Of urw:Description c
Equivalentclass urw:defines op some
and urw:Description c

Condition Role c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#ConditionRole

The role of a person who lives in a foreign country

Sub Class Of urw:Role c
Equivalentclass urw:isDefinedBy op only
and urw:Role c and urw:isDefinedBy op some

Continent c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Continent
Sub Class Of urw:Place c

Country c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Country
Sub Class Of urw:Place c

Death c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Death

The death of a person, mapped with the Death class from CIDOC-CRM (https://cidoc-crm.org/html/cidoc_crm_v7.1.1.html#E69)

Sub Class Of urw:Situation c

Delegation c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Delegation

the description of a relation between agents, in which one delegates an activity to another

Sub Class Of urw:AgentInfluence c

Derivation c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Derivation

The description of a relation between two entities (eg: the work x developes the themes of the work y), derived from PROV-O

Sub Class Of urw:EntityInfluence c

Description c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Description

This class is mapped from DOLCE and in the context of the URW Ontology it is used to: (i) define the roles of a person within a situation (eg: the Description "Migrating for economic reasons" results in the role "Economic migrant"; (ii) it was mapped as a super-class for all the PROV-O classes that are used in the expression of qualified influences.

In Domain Of
In Range Of
Super Class Of

Emotion c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Emotion
Sub Class Of urw:Concept c

Entity Influence c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#EntityInfluence
Sub Class Of urw:Description c
In Domain Of urw:entity op
Super Class Of urw:Derivation c

Event c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Event

this class is equivalent to the one asserted in DOLCE, according to which it is "any physical, social, or mental process, event, or state."

In Domain Of
In Range Of urw:isParticipantIn op
Super Class Of urw:Activity c

Gender c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Gender
Sub Class Of urw:PersonalAttribute c
In Range Of urw:gender op

Generation c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Generation

The creation of an entity by an activity (mapped with PROV-O)

Sub Class Of urw:ActivityInfluence c

Group c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Group
Sub Class Of urw:Agent c
Super Class Of urw:Minority c

Information Object c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#InformationObject
In Domain Of
In Range Of urw:isExpressedBy op

Language c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Language

This class is derived from the lexvo.org ontology (https://lexvo.org/ontology#Language), and includes all the entity of the type Language represented with the two-digit ISO language code (eg: en)

In Range Of urw:language op

Migrating c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Migrating

Migrating is a sub-class of an Event, which is used within the modeling of the Migration biographical pattern. It is in the setting of a Migration (urw:hasSetting) and it has an Agent as participant (urw:hasParticipant)

Sub Class Of ns4:hasParticipant op some
and ns4:hasParticipant op only
and urw:Activity c

Migration c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Migration

The situation in which a person migrates. Such situation is modeled from the Basic Plan Execution ODP

Sub Class Of urw:Situation c
Equivalentclass urw:isSettingFor op some
and urw:Situation c and urw:satisfies op some
and urw:isSettingFor op some
and urw:isSettingFor op some
In Domain Of urw:satisfies op

Migration Plan c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#MigrationPlan

The plan of migrationg, satisfied by the Migration itself. This class iswas derived from the BasicPlanExecution ODP.

Sub Class Of urw:Description c
Equivalentclass urw:hasComponent op some
and urw:isSatisfiedBy op some
and urw:Description c

Migration Reason c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#MigrationReason

The reason of a person to migrate. It defines their role (eg: "economic reson" results in the role "economic migrant"). This class iswas derived from the BasicPlanExecution ODP.

Sub Class Of urw:Description c
Equivalentclass urw:defines op some
and urw:Description c

Migration Role c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#MigrationRole

The role of a person who is migrating

Sub Class Of urw:Role c
Equivalentclass urw:isDefinedBy op only
and urw:Role c and urw:isDefinedBy op some

Minority c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Minority
Sub Class Of urw:Group c

Moral Value c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#MoralValue

a moral value annotated of automatically extracted from raw text. The set of moral values relies on the Moral Foundations Theory (https://moralfoundations.org/)

Sub Class Of urw:Concept c

Organization c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Organization

Derived from DOLCE: "An internally structured, conventionally created SocialAgent, needing a specific Role and Agent that plays it, in order to act."

In this ontology is used to represent publishers

Sub Class Of urw:Agent c
In Range Of urw:wasPublishedBy op
Super Class Of urw:Publisher c

Person c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Person

A Person, as described in DOLCE

All authors belong to this class

Sub Class Of urw:Agent c
In Domain Of urw:gender op

Personal Attribute c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#PersonalAttribute

A Class derived from the National Cancer Institute Thesaurus (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C19332)

Super Class Of

Place c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Place
Super Class Of

Prize c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Prize

a situation in which a person or a work is awarded or nominated to win a prize

Sub Class Of urw:Situation c

Publication c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Publication

the Pubblication class is modeled on DOLCE and the PROV-O ontologies. The class is used to represent the publication of a cultural item and may contain the following participant, related to the class with the property urw:isParticipantIn: - an edition (see urb:Manifestation) - a TimeInterval - a Place

Furthermore, it may also contain a publisher (urw:Organization) to whom is attributed the publication.

Sub Class Of urw:Activity c
In Domain Of urw:generated op

Publisher c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Publisher
Sub Class Of urw:Organization c

Role c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Role

The role of an entity within a Situation or an Event, derived from DOLCE

In Domain Of urw:isRoleOf op
In Range Of
Super Class Of

Situation c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Situation

Derived from DOLCE, in the URW Ontology this class is used to represent biographical information (eg: a Birth, a Migration, etc.) or the winning of a prize

In Domain Of urw:isSettingFor op
In Range Of urw:hasSetting op
Super Class Of

Software Agent c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#SoftwareAgent

This class is derived from the PROV-O ontology, that defines it: "A software agent is running software."

In our ontology all models adopted for extracting information from raw text and for mapping different sources of knowledge are urw:SoftwareAgent to whom the resulting portion of KG is attributed (urw:wasAttributedTo)

Sub Class Of urw:Agent c

Time Indexed Person Status c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#TimeIndexedPersonStatus

A time-bounded situation in which a person lives in a different country from their country of birth. Such situation is modeled from the Time Indexed Person Role ODP

Sub Class Of urw:Situation c
Equivalentclass urw:hasComponent op some
and urw:Situation c and urw:isSettingFor op some
Super Class Of urw:Classification c

Time Interval c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#TimeInterval
In Range Of urw:hasTimeInterval op
Super Class Of urw:Year c

Year c

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#Year
Sub Class Of urw:TimeInterval c
urw:Role c urw:isDefinedBy op some
urw:isDefinedBy op only
urw:Description c urw:defines op some
urw:Role c urw:isDefinedBy op some
urw:isDefinedBy op only
urw:Activity c ns4:hasParticipant op some
ns4:hasParticipant op only
ns4:hasParticipant op some
and ns4:hasParticipant op only
urw:Situation c urw:isSettingFor op some
urw:isSettingFor op some
urw:isSettingFor op some
urw:satisfies op some
urw:Description c urw:hasComponent op some
urw:isSatisfiedBy op some
urw:Description c urw:defines op some
urw:Role c urw:isDefinedBy op some
urw:isDefinedBy op only
urw:Situation c urw:hasComponent op some
urw:isSettingFor op some

Object Properties

language op

IRI http://purl.org/dc/terms/language

defines op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#defines

expresses op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#expresses

has component op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#hasComponent

has part op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#hasPart

has participant op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#hasParticipant

has role op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#hasRole

has setting op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#hasSetting

has time interval op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#hasTimeInterval

is component of op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#isComponentOf

is defined in op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#isDefinedIn

is expressed by op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#isExpressedBy

is part of op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#isPartOf

is participant in op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#isParticipantIn

is role of op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#isRoleOf

is satisfied by op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#isSatisfiedBy

is setting for op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#isSettingFor

satisfies op

IRI http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#satisfies

activity op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#activity

agent op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#agent

entity op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#entity

generated op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#generated

influenced op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#influenced

influencer op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#influencer

qualified association op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#qualifiedAssociation

qualified attribution op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#qualifiedAttribution

qualified derivation op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#qualifiedDerivation

qualified influence op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#qualifiedInfluence

was associated with op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasAssociatedWith

was attributed to op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasAttributedTo

was derived from op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasDerivedFrom

was influenced by op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasInfluencedBy

P21 op

IRI http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P21

P27 op

IRI http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P27

P407 op

IRI http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P407

embodiment op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#embodiment

has subject op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#hasSubject

activity op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#activity
Sub Property Of urw:influencer op
Domain urw:ActivityInfluence c

agent op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#agent
Sub Property Of urw:influencer op
Domain urw:AgentInfluence c
Range urw:Agent c

belongs to minority op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#belongsToMinority
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op

citizenship op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#citizenship

country of birth op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#countryOfBirth
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op

country of death op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#countryOfDeath
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op

defines op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#defines

to be used to define the role of an entity within a situation or an event

Domain urw:Description c
Range urw:Role c

entity op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#entity
Sub Property Of urw:influencer op
Domain urw:EntityInfluence c

expresses op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#expresses

The meaning expressed by an information object (eg: the text express Fear)

Domain urw:InformationObject c
Range urw:Concept c or urw:Description c

gender op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#gender

the gender of a person, mapped with the Wikidata property wdt:p21

Domain urw:Person c
Range urw:Gender c

generated op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#generated
Sub Property Of urw:influenced op
Domain urw:Publication c

has component op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#hasComponent
Sub Property Of urw:hasPart op
Domain urw:Situation c or urw:Description c

has part op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#hasPart
Super Property Of urw:hasComponent op

has participant op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#hasParticipant
Domain urw:Event c

role op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#hasRole
Domain urw:Agent c
Range urw:Role c

has Setting op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#hasSetting
Range urw:Situation c

has time interval op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#hasTimeInterval
Domain urw:Event c
Range urw:TimeInterval c

influenced op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#influenced
Super Property Of urw:generated op

influencer op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#influencer
Super Property Of

is component of op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#isComponentOf
Sub Property Of urw:isPartOf op

is defined by op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#isDefinedBy
Range urw:Description c

is described by op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#isDescribedBy

is expressed by op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#isExpressedBy
Domain urw:Concept c or urw:Description c
Range urw:InformationObject c

is part of op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#isPartOf
Super Property Of urw:isComponentOf op

is participant in op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#isParticipantIn
Range urw:Event c

is role of op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#isRoleOf
Domain urw:Role c
Range urw:Agent c

is satisfied by op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#isSatisfiedBy
Domain urw:Description c

is setting for op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#isSettingFor
Domain urw:Situation c

language op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#language
Range urw:Language c

number of ratings op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#numberOfRatings
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op

number of readers op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#numberOfReaders
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op

provides knowledge on op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#providesKnowledgeOn

This property has been created through a property chain derived from DOLCE. It links an "Information Object' to the entity the object refers to. The property chain works as follow: the "Information Object" expressess one or more "Descriptions" that defines the role of a Person. For example, the Wikipedia biography of Chinua Achebe expresses a number of description (eg: being a migrant teacher in the USA) that defined as many roles (eg: migrant teacher) he had through his life

Domain urw:InformationObject c

publishing language op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#publishingLanguage
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op

qualified association op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#qualifiedAssociation
Sub Property Of urw:qualifiedInfluence op
Range urw:Association c

qualified attribution op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#qualifiedAttribution
Sub Property Of urw:qualifiedInfluence op
Range urw:Attribution c

qualified derivation op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#qualifiedDerivation
Sub Property Of urw:qualifiedInfluence op

qualified influence op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#qualifiedInfluence
Super Property Of

rated op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#rated
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op

received op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#received
Range urb:Reception

satisfies op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#satisfies
Domain urw:Migration c
Range urw:Description c

was associated with op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#wasAssociatedWith
Sub Property Of urw:wasInfluencedBy op
Domain urw:Association c

was attributed to op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#wasAttributedTo
Sub Property Of urw:wasInfluencedBy op

was derived from op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#wasDerivedFrom
Sub Property Of urw:wasInfluencedBy op

was influenced by op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#wasInfluencedBy
Super Property Of

published by op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#wasPublishedBy
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op
Range urw:Organization c

publishing date op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#wasPublishedWhen
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op

publishing place op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#wasPublishedWhere
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op

year of birth op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#yearOfBirth
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op

year of death op

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#yearOfDeath
Sub Property Of urw:isLinkedTo op
urw:Concept c urw:Description c urw:Description c urw:Situation c urw:Concept c urw:Description c

Datatype Properties

notable dp

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#notable

rating dp

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#rating

number of ratings dp

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#ratingCount

readers dp

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urbooks#readers

human development index dp

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#HDI

date dp

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#date

has identifier dp

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#hasIdentifier

mobility score dp

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#mobilityScore

Annotation Properties

contributor ap

IRI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor

date ap

IRI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date

description ap

IRI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description

language ap

IRI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/language

rights ap

IRI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/rights

title ap

IRI http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title

lat ap

IRI http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat

long ap

IRI http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long

image ap

IRI https://purl.archive.org/urwriters#image




c Classes
op Object Properties
dp Datatype Properties
ap Annotation Properties

made by p y LODE 3.0.5a

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